We will have a BBQ Beef meal $12 a plate for adults (serving from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) like in the past, Live Auction, Big Ticket Raffle, Cake Walk, Grocery Game Bingo (begins at 1:00 p.m.), Country Store, Bake Shop, Children’s Games and Concessions, Live Music, and more. This year we celebrate our 168th anniversary as a parish and our 60th in our present church! Baile Folklorico will have a performance at 12:30. We are having our BIG TICKET raffle once again, that will last 52 weeks, with a $500 VISA gift card prize drawn each week. Only 500 tickets will be sold at $100 each. The drawings for this new raffle start on Monday, October 17th. We are selling tickets after each Mass or you may purchase from a parishioner or at the office.
Mass for the Unborn On Wed., January 27, there will be a mass for the unborn sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. There will be a collection taken up on the 27th, 30th & 31th for the Gabriel Project. If you would like to donate, please put your donations in an envelope and write “Gabriel Project” on it.
ADVENT‐ Meaning of Advent‐ Adults are invited to the Advent Series on Sunday, December 6th, to reflect on God’s call to us to be holy as we prepare daily for God’s coming in our lives. These sessions will take place in the parish hall’s conference room from 8:30‐9:50am. Thank you, Sister Marian
CCD classes will start on Sunday, Sept 13th at 8:30am- 9:50am. If your child is new this year you must register him/her in the office first. You will need to bring a copy of the Baptismal and 1st Communion Certificates. All others who were here last year do not have to register again, just plan on coming to class on Sunday. All Confirmation candidates and parents will meet with Mrs. Zamzow in the first room.
Becoming Catholic Right of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Have you or someone you know…Coming to Mass but never made the “jump” to join the Catholic Church? Thinking of becoming Catholic but weren’t sure what to do? Feel God leading you to become Catholic? Curious and want to know more about the Catholic Faith? Then “Come and See what Following Christ in the Catholic Tradition is all about!!! Classes start September 8, at 7pm in the school. For more information call 645-3095.
Father’s Day- Happy Father’s to our Fathers. We thank you all for your dedication and sacrifices. As Mother Theresa would say, “One of the best ways to fulfill your vocation as Fathers is to love your children, let your children know that you love them; that is the Best Way” May God Bless You All!
Crown Hospice is searching for compassionate volunteers who love helping people. You can become part of our family by volunteering your time and talents in. . . Visiting or sitting with patients in their homes Participating in events and activities in the community Assisting in clerical duties at our office Gardening, baking, sewing, woodworking, or providing music for patients and their families Call or Email Rachel Perry, Volunteer Coordinator 361-575-5900 [email protected]
The Crafty Quilters have some baby quilts that they are selling, these would make awesome gifts. You may see these at the rectory from Tues.-Thurs. from 8am-3pm.
RETROUVAILLE for married couples- will be held at the Spiritual Renewal Center on August 14 – 16, 2015. Contact information: [email protected] 361-580-2770. Click here for more information.
Happy Mothers’ Day to our Mothers. We thank you all for your dedication and sacrifices. As Mother Theresa would say, “One of the best ways to fulfill your vocation as Mothers is to love your children, let your children know that you love them; that is the Best Way”. May God Bless You All. Congratulation to our 2015 GHS Graduating Seniors from our parish. Immaculate Conception Parish family wishes you all God’s blessing wherever you may go.
St. John’s Lutheran Church is having a chicken BBQ plate for sale on Mother’s Day, May 10th. Gerald and Dorothy Foerster are selling tickets for this fundraiser. Phone # for tickets-645-2222
Benefit Bar-B-Que & Bake Sale for Trevyn Capistran (son of Sandy Martinez & David Capistran) who is battling his fight with CANCER Sunday, April 12, 2015 Immaculate Conception School Building 11:am – til sold out $8.00 per plate (CARRY OUT ONLY) Brisket, rice, beans & all the trimmings with various baked goods at various prices
Benefit Bar-B-Que & Bake Sale for Trevyn Capistran (son of Sandy Martinez & David Capistran) who is battling his fight with CANCER Sunday, April 12, 2015 Immaculate Conception School Building 11:am – til sold out $8.00 per plate (CARRY OUT ONLY) Brisket, rice, beans & all the trimmings with various baked goods at various prices
Many THANKS to the following men who worked all day Saturday cleaning up the leaves and trash from the church yard- Tony Kouba, Dwayne Machicek, Robert Franke, and Gerald Foerster. Also, THANKS to Addie Kouba and Wilma Garcia for doing deep cleaning inside the church.
The KC’s Relay for Life team is going to have a Bake Sale on March 14th at a booth at Market Days. Any help with bake goods would be greatly appreciated. Come by the booth and help our Relay for Life team. For questions??? Contact Gerald Foerster at 361-645-2222 or Daryl Lau at 361-645-2116.