Becoming Catholic - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) is the process whereby adults enter the Catholic Church. O.C.I.A. classes are held weekly, seasonally, and over the course of several months and possibly years, those who attend the O.C.I.A. classes are educated on what the Catholic Church believes and are given the oppurtunity to ask questions about those beliefs.
The process begins by introducing yourself to the parish pastor and getting to know and live with the community here in Goliad at Immaculate Conception. After a period of time worshipping, praying, and doing works of charity with the community, one may choose to begin the formal process for initiation.
The formal process then includes: inquiry, acceptance and welcome, sending, election, scrutiny, and finally when one feels ready, the reception of the Sacraments, which may include the validation of a marriage. The period following the Easter Vigil and reception of the Sacraments is known as mystagogia, or the "after-glow" period in which one is helped to live the faith they have just accepted.
If you are curious about Catholicism, please feel free to begin attending Mass, or come to a class during the inquiry phase. During the inquiry phase you can ask more direct questions, which may or may not lead you to initiation in the church.
Please continue to follow our bulletin as to when classes begin in the fall.